Nowadays there is a bigger and bigger push for businesses to be environmentally conscious in their approach to delivering a service. This is something that it is extremely beneficial to all businesses, regardless of industry, as not only is it cost saving but it can help to bring even more customers to your business.

Here are five fantastic ways that you can deliver a ‘greener’ more efficient business:

1. Use Biodegradable Products


This is a particularly brilliant idea, because you don’t actually have to change anything! You can continue using the same amount of packaging and materials, you can maintain the same logos and levels of quality. However, instead of continuing to use the same packaging you make the eco-friendly switch to biodegradable materials.

Unlike traditional materials, biodegradable products are not harmful to the environment and can be composted rather than sent to the landfill. Additionally they don’t require heavy use of fossil fuels like plastic does, making them much more environmentally friendly from being manufacture red to being disposed of. This can be done for everything from printing paper through to packaging materials, depending on the nature of your business.

2. Replace Old Appliances

If you’ve been in business for a few years then you may find that your appliances aren’t as efficient as they could be. Manufacturers have had a lot of pressure on them to deliver the most efficient appliances for both domestic and commercial use, so a modern appliance can be up to 60% more efficient than a similar one from 10 years ago.


While there can be a rather large initial cost, having more efficient equipment can drastically reduce your running costs. By cutting down the amount of energy needed for your business your utility bills will be much lower, giving you greater monthly profits while helping to cut down on pollution.

3. Install Light Sensors

It is surprising how much electricity simple office lighting can use up, especially when it is unneeded. During the summer months it is a good idea to simply knock of the lights provided that there is enough light entering the building. However, at other times of the year this is not an appropriate solution and that’s where sensors come in.

Sensors will be able to tell when an individual is in the area and will automatically turn on the lights when the space is in use and switch off when unoccupied. This can drastically cut down on wasted energy and, when combined with low energy light bulbs, is a great way to accept your corporate responsibility to the environment.

4. Recycle

Sometimes the most effective solutions are also the easiest. Make sure that you have recycling facilities for your business allowing staff to recycle items on a personal and companywide level. By increasing the amount of recycling facilities available you will see a large decrease in the amount of rubbish disposal required.

Again, this solution can help to save your company thousands every year as well as helping your company do its bit to cut down on the crisis of waste management. This is a particularly important point as many local governments are aiming to drastically reduce the amount of waste collected by 2020.

5. Use Local Suppliers

Being eco-friendly isn’t just about thinking small level, you can do a lot to help the environment by being more selective with who you buy from. If you’re UK based then it is much more eco-friendly to use a supplier in Great Britain rather than looking to suppliers abroad. This can cut down on the carbon footprint of the material you’re using and ensure that the manufacturing process is in compliance with the EU regulations.

This can be more expensive for day to day running costs, but you will be able to say that you’re helping to improve Britain’s economy and reduce your carbon footprint. You may be eligible for government grants to help make this an affordable process, so it is worth while looking into regardless of how big your business is.

About the Author – Charlotte Packaging is a family run business who have over 40 years of experience within the packaging industry. If you are looking for a way to reduce your packaging waste then talk to Charlotte Packaging today for a range of food packaging solutions.