Advertising can be a very expensive venture, setting you back thousands for a magazine ad and potentially millions for a TV slot. However, something that you already use can become the best form of advertising you have and it might not even cost you anything extra.

What is this mystery form of advertisement? Your branding of course!

Increased Recognition

The main purpose of advertising is to gain recognition and increase the number of people who are aware of your product. If you’re not utilising your branding everywhere possible then you won’t receive any benefit from advertisement. However, but being innovative with your branding and investing in specialist packaging you could manage to sway customers in places where they are already looking to purchase.

Coke bottles

Social Media

Having an exciting and enticing product combined with your branding can be the best form of advertisement for your company thanks to the phenomenon of social media. While most platforms are slowly turning into paid advertising platforms for businesses, individuals still carry a lot of weight. If people like your product for functionality or aesthetics then they are likely to take a picture and share it over social media – with good quality branding this can act as free advertising for your product and business alike.


More Opportunities

 Tims Square


By committing to a certain type of advertising you could be missing out on many other opportunities due to neglect. However, properly utilising your branding will ensure that anywhere your product is your message will be seen. By creating a brand that can be instantly recognised, you are quickly and efficiently arranging free advertisement with simple product placement. This gives you far more opportunities to convert awareness into sales with increased presence awareness.


Better First Impressions

Capturing attention and creating appeal can be extremely difficult. For many businesses a powerful (yet expensive) advertising campaign may seem like the right solution, but you could find that a redesign of your packaging could be all it takes to get you on the right track. Take some time to figure out exactly what you want your packaging to convey. Hire a professional, experienced designer to draft up a couple of ideas and then carry out market research – this one step can have an enormous impact on your sales.

Earl Grey

What does it say about you?

Advertisements very much allow you to tell the public what you want them to think about you. Which is great, except if you aren’t consistent across your business then you may begin to lose customers and damage your reputation. This is very much the case of actions speaking louder than words, so make sure that your branding is consistent with your company.

One very obvious example is if your brand is declaring that it’s green and eco-friendly, but you’re using non-sustainable materials such as plastic for packaging needs. No amount of advertising can override what you actually do. So, if you want to be seen as green then you need to invest in specialist packaging that’s eco-friendly.


Brand Everything

Think about some of the world’s largest companies – Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike. Besides being some of the biggest household names across the world, what else do they have in common? They brand everything they produce from the product itself to the packaging it comes and all the little bits and pieces that are involved with it. Nike even put their tick on the sole of their shoes!

Nike Footprint

Why do they do this? Because branding is essential to creating a strong market presence and can help to increase awareness of your products. After all, how will anybody know that you produce that item if you haven’t got your name on it?

There are many food packaging companies out there, but If you’re looking to bolster your advertising efforts then come and talk to Charlotte Packaging today. We are industry leading specialists who have been providing a wide range of companies with branded paper and plastic packaging solutions for over 40 years. Find out what we can do for you.